Next World Health TV

Humor and truth about US health care costs

Not really a laughing matters

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Yes, you really are being screwed

People under one of the most anti-social governments in the world (the UK) react to what Americans are charged for medical services.

What kind of establishment would expose its people to the horrors of the US medical system - and theme tell them what a great deal they're getting.

When it comes to medicine, the US is the "Land of the Big Rip Off."

We don't just pay a little bit more than the people in other parts of the developed world. We pay exponentially and potentially life-destroying more.

And the news media and our politicians and our academics are just fine with it.

Note: The comment at the end about Trump is wrong. He's guilty of a lot of things, but he did not create this problem and it's dumb to blame it on him.

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The Brasscheck/Real Food Reading list

We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.