Disclaimer: Next World TV is not advocating any particular treatment, just disseminating pieces of the health puzzle to guide our audience toward doing research of their own.
As cancer death rates continue to rise--one in four Americans now dies of cancer--maverick Italian Oncologist Dr. Tulio Simoncini has become a lighting rod for the long-running war between conventional and alternative approaches to cancer, with a theory and treatment that seems too simple to be true. His loyalists, including many of his patients, say he is a genius, while the cancer orthodoxy, not surprisingly, says he is a dangerous quack.
His thesis on cancer shatters all conventional theory and treatment of cancer: Dr. Simoncini argues that cancer is a fungus. Not that it is caused by fungus, but that it actually is a fungus and that tumors are the body's attempt to protect against fungal invasion--candida albicans in particular.
His treatment is simple, non toxic, and non-patentable: Intravenous Sodium Bicarbonate (aka baking soda) injected over several days into arteries leading to the tumor site. He claims to have success rates in eliminating cancerous tumors in up to 90% of cases, when condition are right, i.e. the tumor is of a certain size, and responds to the treatment.
In his 2005 book "Cancer Is A Fungus," and on his website by the same name (www.cancerisafungus.com) Dr. Simoncini calls the genetic model of cancer that has dominated for decades, a "bluff," and says that in 20 years of treating cancer patients with sodium bicarbonate, not one has relapsed. Simoncini says that sodium bicorbonate eliminates the funges, and thereby the cancer, and that it is "the most powerful antifungal" on earth. He refers to it as a "natural chemotherapy," with none of the devastating effects of chemotherapy, which he says, "destroys everything."
An internet search of Dr. Simoncini's work turns up the usual fierce attacks and accusations that plague all advocates of non conventional cancer treatment. It must be read and understood in this context--as deliberately de-contextualized. We can't investigate or solve every accusation, but we can state what we stand for, which is freedom of choice in medical treatment. Many people simply will not go through chemotherapy and radiation, because of the agonies it brings to the human body. For those people, thankfully, there are alternatives, that are growing ever more readily available through the power of people being able to do their own research on the internet and then make a choice of which path to take. No path, of course, offers a guarantee of success. Chemotherapy and radiation are far from "effective" most of the time, as we see from the spate of high profile cancer deaths, such as, most recently, writer Christopher Hitchens, who followed orthodox protocol (chemotherapy and radiation) to the letter, and died an agonized death.
There must be better, gentler options for cancer patients.
We encourage you to watch this video, then go to www.cancerisafungus.com, and read more, and listen to some of Dr. Simoncini'e patient testimonials with an open mind, and a hopeful mindset for the future of cancer treatment in a greener and greener world.
--Celia Farber
Celia Farber is an investigative science reporter and cultural journalist who has written for several magazines including Harper�s, Esquire, Rolling Stone, SPIN and more. She is the author of �Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS� (Melville House Press/ Random House). Known for bold exposes of the pharmaceutical industry and related media cover ups, Celia Farber shines a spotlight on the very subjects that have been taboo for too long: What is Cancer? Does HIV cause AIDS? Do Vaccinations Cause Brain Damage? And many more...